It is embarrassing when people around you are noticeably disturbed by the stinky smell of cloth diapers. I don’t suppose you enjoy smelling the stink, do you? On this post, we round up the 7 best wet bags for cloth diapers and pick the top 3. Not only do they perfectly seal used cloth diapers, some are fashionably beautiful too.
How About A Diaper Bag Too?
Parenting is trendier and more stylish nowadays, as it is easy to find all the accessories and gears that you need that serves the real function and complements your sense of style at the same time. And one of those gear is a diaper bag.
If you do think about getting a diaper bag, check out this post and we guarantee that you find the right one. And when you do, you'll start building your collection in no time (I mean, you'll need one in every color to suit your outfit, right?)
Why Do You Need Wet Bags?

At home and on the road, cloth diapers may need to be changed. What do you do with the soiled ones?
Organizing. You do not want to mix soiled cloth diapers with other things in your bag when you are out somewhere. Wet bags are great for organizing the things in your bag. Even at home, you need wet bags to keep soiled cloth diapers until you could wash them.
Stink. Wet bags seal the stink so your home smells like a real home. In public places, it is a courtesy to other people.
What Are the Different Types of Wet Bags?
Wet bags comes in different sizes, some small enough to fit two, others to fit days worth of cloth diapers. Most diapers come with a zipper on top called zip-top wet bags. They are made of different materials. Some have an outer fabric with an interior layer of waterproof material, while others have only one material with waterproof backing.
Things to Think About When Choosing Wet Bags

Purpose. Wet bags have one purpose, and that is to seal cloth diapers. Choose materials that are sturdy and make sure the sealing material such as the zipper is durable. It goes without saying that it needs to be waterproof.
Intended Use. For cloth diapering families, it is recommended that you have at least one wet bags for home, and two for traveling – a small one for quick errands, and a large one for longer travels or stays – such as in day care centers. You may have to purchase two of each intended use to account for one ready to use while the other is being washed.
Cleaning. Cloth diapers need to be cleaned, but how do you clean your cloth diaper wet bags? Buying an easy to clean wet bag (e.g machine washable friendly) is important to keep the bag fresh and free from nasty stuff like mold.
Trivial. As much as I want to focus on the purpose and intended use, it cannot be denied that style and design are important albeit a trivial one. To make it to the round up of the 7 best cloth diaper wet bags, they have to appeal to your fashion senses.
The 7 Best Wet Bags for Cloth Diapers
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Check out this post for '7 Best Wet Bags for Cloth Diapers (To Store Away Dirty Diapers Until Laundry Day.)'
Which Ones Are the Best Wet Bags for Cloth Diapers?
The 7 diaper wet bags listed are all great choices. There is no ONE choice of the best of the best. It depends on your lifestyle and needs. For travel and longer stay out of the house, you could pick any of the above.
If style is important for you, Kanga Care bags are beautiful. If you need flexibility,Alva wet and dry bag is a good choice! Overall, waterproofing and durability remain the most important consideration. You can’t go wrong with Planet Wise wet diaper bag.
Article Source Here: The 7 Best Wet Bags For Cloth Diapers (To Store Away Dirty Diapers Until Laundry Day)
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